What Will You Be Remembered For?

When you get to the end of your physical life journey, what will you be leaving behind? What will you be remembered for?
How will people feel about you when you are gone? What is the mark you will leave?

It's never too late to change your path, change your thinking, and find the life you want to be remembered for.

Think on it.
Are you a Traveler or a Resident in Your Life?

I heard something the other day that was an interesting perspective on life. I don't recall the source, but I've given my twist here...
Imagine you travel to your dream destination - perhaps Hawaii, a city or country in Europe, a beach town on the coast, or whatever destination excites you. Imagine arriving there, taking in the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of that dream destination. Imagine how thrilled you would be and how all of your senses would be heightened. Notice how everything seems alive. Then, at the end of your wonderful trip, you go back home.
Now imagine moving to your dream destination instead. At first, your excitement would be high and you'd want to discover all that you could. Eventually, however, that excitement would wear off. You would become used to the area. It wouldn't be as dazzling as it was when you first traveled through it. It becomes familiar, and perhaps even a little boring.
It's all about the appreciation you have when traveling there versus the familiarity that sets in if you moved there.
What if you were to think of yourself as a traveler through your own life? (Because basically, that's what's happening. We are born, we live in this life for a relatively brief instant in time, and then we go.)
If you thought of yourself as a temporary traveler through your life, how would you view life differently?
How would your appreciation for the people, the events, and the opportunities in your life change?

Think on it.

What does 'possibility' mean to you?
One definition is "one's utmost power, capacity, or ability; potential or prospective value" (

Do you see life as full of possibilities, or full of problems?
What gets in the way of realizing your power, capacity, ability, or potential?
What's your true possibility?

Think on it.

New Year

Another new year around the corner...
What's going to be different for you?

How are those changes going to come about? (Will you wish upon a star? Maybe through the wave of a magic wand?)

Who is the one person in your life that determines whether or not those changes occur?

Think on it


What or who comes to mind when you think of "family"? Are they the people you grew up with? Or are they the people you raised? Or all of the above?

What about those that are entrenched in your life, but aren't related...are they family too? 
What role does love play in it? Or doesn't it?

This holiday season, remember to appreciate everyone who has influenced you and shaped your life in some positive way, "family" or not, still here or moved on. They made you who you are. And you are amazing!

Think on it.
The Scents of the Holldays

Think about the scents and smells that trigger your most wonderful memories. What are they? What memories flood your mind when you detect those scents?

During the holiday season, remember to take a moment to take in a deep sniff of the wonderful smells around you, and allow those beautiful memories in.

Is Electricity the Root of All Evil?

Well here's an interesting thought...the power is out in an area near my home (we have power, no worries). As I'm driving to the gym this morning, all of the traffic lights are out. Pleasantly, people are taking their proper turns at proceeding through the intersection. Everyone is waving each other along, waiting their turn. No road rage to be found.

I get to the gym and their power is out. Pitch black. And just like that, I get another hour added to my day! Is electricity the root of all evil? Just kidding, of course.

When the power goes out you have no TV, and presumably no cell phone (because you are conserving its power)...
How do you spend that time?
Do you talk to people more?
Do you visit or check in with your neighbor?
Do you light candles and set a calm mood in the home?
What changes for you?
What changes for your kids?

Here's an idea... "power off" your home once a week - maybe on Friday evening after dinner. No TV, no cell phones, no electronics of any type, no lights, no machines humming in the background. Watch what happens to you and your family.

Think on it.
What is Your Life Purpose?

Some people are very clear on their life purpose. Some have no idea why they are here. And some don't even give it a thought.

My theory is that for some people their life's purpose is very clear because it is obvious and it doesn't really change all that much over time.

Take Einstein for's pretty clear what he was all about: genius mind making important discoveries to affect science and humanity for all time. Not a bad purpose!

My theory continues that for many people, their purpose isn't clear because they don't have just one; they have many. One part of your life may serve one purpose, while another part may serve something completely different. You look at that and become confused instead of accepting that your greatness is so diverse that you have multiple purposes. Yes, your greatness....have you ever looked at yourself that way?

What is your greatness? What great things have you done? Who have you positively impacted? Whose life would not be as fulfilled if it weren't for you?

What is your purpose for being here? How often have you thought about it? How about checking in on your purpose from time to time to make sure you are on track?

What is your personal mission statement? Have you written it down? What about hanging it on the wall so you can see it every day?

Think on it.
What is Inner Strength?

What is your inner strength?
Where does your inner strength come from?
How do you demonstrate your inner strength to others? Or what prevents you from doing that?

Think on it
How Well Do You Listen?

Truly listening is the most powerful thing you can do for another human being.

How well do you listen? 
How are your relationships? 

What correlation do you see there?

Think on it.
A Different Viewpoint - Jury Duty

Have you ever received that fated letter in the mail – the one with instructions to call after 6 PM on this date to find out if you need to appear the next day? You know what I’m talking about - Jury Duty.

A friend of mine received a notice for jury duty recently. He dreaded the thought of having to serve on a jury. He dwelled on the impact to his job and general disruption to his life. He was beside himself. He kept telling himself all of the excuses he could use to get out of having to serve. Clearly, it was on his mind a lot.

How would it feel to receive a notice for jury duty? Do you feel an immediate desire to get out of it? What thoughts cross your mind? Do you start thinking of ridiculous things you could say to make yourself sound like someone they would reject? Is that really who you are?

The day finally came for my friend to appear for jury selection. I sent him a text message that went something like this:

'I wanted to wish you luck today. I know that however it turns out; it will be the right thing. You are honest, fair, and good-hearted. You are smart, insightful, and you ask good questions. You have a solid sense of right and wrong. If I were on trial, I would want you on my jury.'

He replied later that day with a huge thank you for putting it all into perspective for him.

Think on it.
What Pebbles Are in Your Path?

A friend of mine shared a message with me today from an unknown author. It goes like this:

“Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find that you have crossed the mountain.”

We all have pebbles in our path. Some are larger than others. Some that seem insignificant at the time turn out to be really important stumbling blocks in our lives. Some teach us lessons. Some make us realize how strong we are. Some make us realize how much we need others. And some we never want to revisit again.

What pebbles lie in your path? Do they seem insurmountable? Why is that?

What if you took a moment to look at how far you’ve come instead of how far you have remaining?

Without dwelling on the details of the past - what would that path behind you look like? Take a moment to reflect on those pebbles, stones, and boulders behind you.

When you began your journey, would you have ever thought that you could have conquered so much in your life thus far?
Feel the sense of accomplishment and strength within yourself. Accept those feelings for a moment. Let it wash over you. Congratulate yourself on making it through all of those difficulties!

Now look ahead. Those obstacles ahead are just more pebbles in your path. You’ve done it before. You can do it again.
You’ve got this!

Think on it
How Can You Overcome the Past?

Have you ever noticed how some people dwell on the past? They tell stories from years ago as if they happened yesterday. Sometimes the stories are happy, funny or fascinating. Sometimes they are heroic, intriguing or awe-inspiring.

Then there are others that are traumatic; revealing wounds and scars that have never healed for the storyteller. The memories haunt them. You might have a few of them yourself. That thing you said or did that you wish you hadn’t. A memory of something you wish you never saw. The person who trespassed against you in a way you still cannot fully forgive. These stories raise feelings of embarrassment, humiliation and sometimes even despair.

The past is a strange character in life. It is real. It is inescapable. It can’t be changed. It has bright spots we love to bask in, and dark corners we desperately try to avoid.

Why do we get so tied up in the past? The past isn’t coming back unless you welcome it back into the present.

Imagine your life without a past. Imagine that you have no regrets about anything you’ve ever said or done. Imagine nothing bad had ever happened to you – no one had ever trespassed against you, and you never trespassed against another.

Let that feeling sink in for a minute.

Imagine if there was just you and the people in your life now. Think only about your life going forward.

What would you do with it? How will you feel as a result? How would you be different? How would you interact with people? Would it be different? What else might be different in your life? What would your future look like?

If all of those answers were favorable for you and gave you a sense of peace and joy, then think about this…

Regardless of the past - which you can choose to not revisit and not repeat – what is stopping you from living that life you just imagined a moment ago? It’s within your control every single day.

Think on it.
How Do You Demonstrate Patience?

A lady at the grocery checkout was taking a bit of time digging into her purse for money to pay for her purchase. She looked back at the next person in line behind her and said, "Sorry. I tend to take a while." The person smiled at her and replied, "No problem, I'm in no rush."
Surprised at the person's reaction the lady said, "Well some people get upset with me. They don't have much patience." Apparently, she finds herself in this situation often. ;)

How would you have responded to her if you were in that line?
Do you practice patience with people you first encounter? How about with your friends? What about your family?
Did your answers indicate that you are more patient with strangers, or with family? Or maybe you are equally patient (or not) with everyone.

Patience is a virtue they say. Perhaps it's just a matter of attitude.

How does it feel when others are patient with you? Do you express gratitude for it?
How often and how well do you demonstrate patience, and with whom?

Think on it.
Why Do You Judge Others?

I heard a conversation on the radio today with Peter Wohlleben, author of "The Hidden Life of Trees", which talks about how trees communicate with and support each other. Who knew?! There is at least one study that shows trees reach out to one another for assistance, such as to borrow nutrients. Sort of like going to your neighbor to borrow a cup of sugar. Although, when was the last time anyone did that? It made me wonder why we don't do more of that with each other.

Why do people hide their needs and weaknesses from one another? Could it be because of the fear of being judged?

Each of us has judged others from time to time. We judge people's looks, their lives, their parenting skills. We judge their opinions and actions.

We weren't born as people who judge. We learned it.

Perhaps you were judged harshly by someone in your life. How did being judged make you feel?

Is that person's opinion so important to you that you've allowed it to change you - divert you from who you really are deep inside?

Did their bad example influence you to become a person who also judges?

Are you setting a good example for others in your life who are truly important to you?

Think on it.
What Are You Going Through?

A friend of mine reminded me of a quote I always liked that goes like this:

"Everything is either an opportunity to learn and grow or an obstacle that keeps you stuck. You get to choose,"
     - Wayne Dyer, Habits for Wellbeing

This reflects a fundamental understanding within the type of coaching I give. It's sort of goes along with the saying: "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade". However, it is a bit deeper than that. It can sometimes be difficult to "make the best" of a not-so-great situation or circumstance. The critical part is choosing to do so. Like most everything else in your life - it's a decision. Do I go left or right; up or down; backward or forward? Here's an idea... how about 'through'? Does direction always matter, or is it the intention and attitude you take with you on the journey? When you choose, you set a course for your mindset, not just your feet. Where your feet want to go is important, but it is your mindset that really makes things change for yourself.

What are you going 'through' right now in your life? What is your mindset about it today? What will be your choice today - to continue to be stuck, or use your obstacle as an opportunity to grow, learn, and become better than you were before?

Think on it.
What's Most Important to You?

I don't watch much TV, but when I do, I tune into PBS stations, cooking channels, or home improvement channels. When my husband and I need a chuckle we tune into one of those tiny house shows and try to imagine ourselves squeezing into a 240 sq. ft. house, complete with a tiny ladder to a tiny bed, two burner stove, bench style 'sofa', and a composting toilet. Oh my! We are more the "spread out and relax" type rather than the "crouch and climb" type, but it is fun to imagine a life so carefree.

Let's pretend for a moment that you had to move into a tiny house...

What would you take with you? What is most important in your life?

Could you do without the flatscreen? How about the kitchen island? Could you forego the big bed or the comfy couch? Would you lose the soaking tub?

What about your privacy? What about your sense of belonging to a particular community?

What is most important to you? What is your source of happiness?

Could it fit into a tiny house?

Think on it.